Booksellers – Adding and Editing Categories

While adding titles to an order, or more accurately: when adding your desired order quantities to titles, you can add your store’s POS category codes as well. For example, if you want a book to be shelved in your Fiction section, input the code you use for “Fiction” in your Point-of-Sale system in this field:


For your store, it may be a numeric code, for others an abbreviation or even the full word. These are the codes you use every day in your store. By adding a category code to a title while ordering, you’re simplifying the process of importing this order into your POS system.

Note, you can add different categories for different store locations, too:


If you’ve mapped your categories or are an Edelweiss Analytics, your category list will auto-fill here as you start typing a category name or code, as shown above. The lightning bolt icon indicates that the category code you see comes from your category mapping.

Secondary Categories can be added as shown below:


Note, an Edelweiss Administrator at your store can turn the secondary category function on and off:

So, you can add a category code while viewing/buying a title in a catalog or Collection. You can also edit title information just before exporting an order.

To do this, click into your Orders page and find your order. Click into your Export Preview screen:

In the Export Preview screen, click this edit icon (circled in red below) to edit the title, category, and other bibliographic data for a title.



Your edit screen will look like this, with different editable elements available depending on your POS system.


Note, if your POS system allows for such things, you can add a secondary category here as well.

You can also “map” your categories, or essentially program Edelweiss to add specific categories (and other data elements) according to the information provided by the publisher. For example, you can tell Edelweiss to add your Mystery category code to all titles that the publishers designate with a BISAC code of Fiction: Mystery. There are a lot of these sorts of codes that publishers use, so mapping can take a bit of time, but it saves you lots of time in not having to manually enter such things in the long run. You can find instructions for mapping here.