Sales Reps – Downloading Multiple Orders at Once

We’ve streamlined the process of downloading multiple orders, should the need arise for you. Whether you’re a commission rep selling 20 different publishers each season, or a rep wanting to handle orders for multiple stores all at once, you can send a whole swath of orders to Excel like so:

Select orders using the checkmarks to the right of each order, or from within the Other Actions menu by Selecting All.

Then, again from within the Other Actions menu, select “Export.”

In the resulting window, you can choose your export format, perform a quick download of a single order from the list of orders you’ve selected, and export all at once:

You can mark them all complete, as well.

When you export these orders, you’re creating separate documents for each order. Your browser may make you agree to download multiple documents at once. In the image above, clicking “Download All” creates 11 separate Excel documents.