The following is a high-level overview of the steps needed to create a catalog within Edelweiss, listed in order of priority. The first three steps are the primary ones, and once they are complete, you’ll have the foundation for a catalog in place.
1) Create an Edelweiss catalog and add ISBNs/EANs to it
2) Populate title data. Ideally, this is done via ONIX or a Treeline Biblio Excel file and may be completed before Step 1. You can also use the administration interface to manually input title data. For distributed publishers with Independent Publisher Listings, data transmission is handled by your distributor.
3) Upload Jacket Cover images via FTP batch upload, or use the administration interface to upload manually.
4) Upload your own (in-house) PDF of the catalog (optional).
5) Upload PDF catalog page numbers and/or update default title sort order (if desired).
6) Upload a catalog cover image (strongly recommended).
7) Upload Comp title data (Excel, also strongly recommended).
8) Manually add enhanced content (if not already coming from ONIX).
- Product description
- Contributor bios
- Quotes & Reviews
- Book excerpts
- Key selling points
- Marketing plans
- Interior images
- Author photos
- Links to external websites, including videos
- Related products
- Publicity Events
- Sales Rights
Refer to our Content Planning Guide, which explains how you can send us each of these title elements, or check out our subsequent Publisher Administrator help articles on creating catalogs and managing title information.