Catalog Admins – Content Management Specs

If you are new to Edelweiss, you can access onboarding resources here.

Click here to access the Edelweiss Publisher Content Planning Guide, a document detailing our data feed specifications. This includes the bibliographic elements we can accept via ONIX, ancillary feeds, uploads, and manual entry using our catalog admin tools.

If you do not work with ONIX, click on the Treeline_Biblio_Data_Template_v1 to download our Treeline Biblio Data Template, which you may use to send us core bibliographic data. Note that all field formatting requirements are specified in the comments of each column header. Pink column headers indicate required fields for every title record.  Please refer to our Treeline Biblio Data Feed Specs Guide here for all specifications and posting instructions!

Click here, on ONIX_Books_Product_2.1_rev.03 to download the ONIX for Books PDF spec (aka Product Information Message Product Record Format) for ONIX 2.1 ONIX node, and here for the ONIX for Books Codelists Issue 33 (updated April 2016); this contains all valid code lists and values we use when processing ONIX files. We also work with ONIX 3.0 files!

Please contact if you would like to send us a test ONIX file, and if you have any questions about the process.