Every field in our Treeline_Biblio file has very specific required formatting rules or a finite list of values. Before posting your file into your edelweiss/import_data FTP folder, please confirm that all of your title records meet those required specs and that all required fields — identified by the pink column headers in our template file — have valid values. Here’s a checklist of the most common mistakes made with this file:
- Invalid PubDate: the required format is MMYYYY. Each PubDate must be formatted as text so that the leading 0 is retained for the first 9 months of the year.
- Missing BISAC codes
- Missing or invalid Binding code
- Prices that include $
- Invalid HTML
- Duplicate records: each ISBN must only appear once in that file
- ISBN/EAN/UPC not formatted as text and/or appearing as scientific notation
Once your corrected file has been posted to the correct folder and successfully processed, you will receive an email notification confirming how many records have processed.