Community – Your Shelves

You can find your Shelves either on the bottom of your homepage:

Or by clicking the “My Books” icon in the top header:

You can use Shelves to keep track of what you are reading. Titles can be set as Anticipating, Highly Anticipating, Currently Reading, Finished Reading, or even Didn’t Finish.

To add a title to a Shelf, click on it to view the title listing, and then click “Place title on a shelf.”

You can find your Shelves and Collections on your homepage:

If you click on a Shelf, you’ll see the titles on that shelf. You can expand your view by clicking on “View in List.”

When you expand to list view, you can sort or filter, which is handy if you’re looking at a long list of titles!

Click the checkmark on a title(s) and then click the lightning bolt icon to take an action such as Add to a Collaborative List, Add to Another Shelf, or Share/Export. You can export the jacket cover and basic title details to either PowerPoint or Excel.
