Creating an Index/Table of Contents Template

Creating an Index or Table of Contents template in Designer is easy!

To begin, select Index on the Templates page, click Create New, and fill out the fields shown below. (Alternatively, choose from the list of available common templates. Learn more here).

Your newly-created template will drop into the folder in which you’ve placed it, or in the Unfiled section — locate it and click on either the name of the template or the Edit/Manage icon to begin working on it.

In this example, we’ve added two design blocks — one for title and author, and one for page number.

Index/TOC templates can be styled just as you would style other types of templates.

Note that you can also set whether you’d like titles to flow down then across, or across then down by clicking here:

In a document, locate the TOC/Index area and select None: Click to Add.

In the next window, click Add New TOC/Index, choose a starting page, the template you’d like to use, and whether you’d like to sort by title, author, or page number.

Once you’ve completed this and clicked Save, the page will populate in your document according to the position (end of document vs. a specific page number) and sort (title, author, or page number) selected.