There are different ways you can view a catalog, collection, or title page on Edelweiss. You can switch between them any time depending on your needs, and some views include more information and features than others.
You can switch your view by clicking one of the icons near the top-left of your page:
▶Full View is the most detailed view containing the ability to see all title information. Reps and buyers will want to stay primarily in this view because it is the only view to use Markup and ordering features, and includes complete title details. You will also need to be in Full View to be able to view Event Grid information and submit requests if given access by a publisher.
You will also need to be in Full View to be able to view Event Grid information and submit requests if given access by a publisher.▶Two-Column View
is much more simplified and streamlined to help you fly through a list of titles. Includes cover images and basic title information. Recommended for users scrolling through Review Copies pages or other title discovery pages. Buyers cannot see Markups or order from this view. Users can click the titles to bring up a pop-up with complete title information.
▶Grid View is the most simplistic view showing very basic title information and no cover images. Buyers cannot see Markups or order from this view. Users can click the titles to bring up a pop-up with complete title information.
▶Analytics View is available to retailers and libraries who subscribe to Summit Analytics, and publishers who subscribe to Analytics. This will give you a Stock Analysis view of any title list in Edelweiss. More details on accessing Analytics throughout Edelweiss here.