Librarians – Ordering Backlist and Other Items

In the course of going through a catalog, you’ll see comparable titles, related products, or even just have an idea of your own of a title to your order. There are a few ways to do this.

If you see a title listed in Edelweiss as a Comparable Title or Related Product, just click on that title to bring up the Title Modal View, in which you can see various bits of information the publisher has provided for that title, your Point-of-Sale history for that title (if any), and an easy interface to add that title to any active order.

Comparable Titles:


Related Products:


(Related Products are generally parts of a series, previous editions, Dumpbins, etc.)

There is also an Add Item link at the bottom your page in the Orders Bar, under “More:”


Clicking there will bring up a box in which you’ll simply need to enter and ISBN:


After which, you’ll be able to add or edit the title information, and of course, designate the desired quantity.

You can also add whichever titles you like to your order in the Export Preview for that order, found by clicking on the export preview icon on your Orders page. Using this method, you’ll simply need an ISBN.


After which you’ll get a screen in which you can add the number of units desired, add a category code, etc.
