Publisher Admins – Jacket Covers for International Markets in Document Builder

The fallback logic in Document Builder has changed. When a Jacket Cover isn’t included in a title listing’s market that is being used, Document Builder will not fall back to a jacket cover in a different market.

If you were using this fallback logic to populate jacket covers but are no longer seeing them populate, there are two ways to rectify this.

The first is to upload the jacket covers into the market that you are using. This can be done through the mass upload that you use, or can be done manually. Instructions for manual uploading can be found here. You can use the same images as jacket covers in multiple markets.

The second option is to change the market for that particular element. This can be done using a drop-down menu on the top of the assign / reassign menu. Selecting a different market for a specific element will not change your market, or the market for that template.

This drop-down menu can be used to include content from all markets for each element, not just Jacket Covers.