Removing, Deactivating, or Deleting a DRC

It’s very simple to de-activate a Digital Review Copy (DRC) in Edelweiss, removing the Download/Request button from the related title listing. Your DRC administrator simply needs to find the title on the Review Copies > Administer tab on the Admin page (, then select a title by clicking on its row. In Actions, you’ll see a number of options:


If you Deactivate, your now inactive DRC title will appear in red font and will no longer appear in your list of available DRCs on Edelweiss.

If you ever need to re-activate this DRC, simply select and Reactivate using the same process. Be sure to confirm that the on-site and device expiration dates for this newly re-activated DRC are set appropriately, to avoid potential issues with approved DRC requestors downloading this re-activated title.

If you actually need to delete this DRC file, if there is no chance you’ll ever want to re-activate it, select that option in Actions.

WARNING:  Deleting a DRC will remove all traces of it on your Review Copies, as well as from our FTP server. You will need to re-upload a new DRC file (following our standard DRC posting procedure) if you ever want to re-activate this DRC. When in doubt, Deactivate instead!

Go back to the Digital Review Copy Administration training page.