Posting DRC-Specific Messages

If you’d like to communicate something about one of your DRCs (e.g. it looks best on an e-reader that uses Adobe Digital Editions (not a Kindle) or that the file only includes an excerpt), you can add a message via the individual title’s Edit link to appear when users hover over the Download / Request button in Edelweiss.

First, go to your Admin page (, and open the Review Copies > Administer page.


Click the Edit icon for the relevant title, and open the Request Management tab. The highlighted field below is where you can add your custom message:

This message will appear when the user hovers over the Download or Request button for that title.

Troubleshooting Tip:  if your text does not immediately display for your DRC outside of the Admin tab, Deactivate and then Re-activate the DRC.  This will force a refresh of your DRC’s display on the title listing.

Note that there is a 2000 character limit in place!

Go back to the Digital Review Copy Administration training page.