Managing and Featuring Reader Reviews

All Edelweiss users can add reviews for titles listed on the site. They can be for DRCs they’ve downloaded and read, or for a title they’ve read in another format…backlist or frontlist. Details on writing reviews can be found here!

Visibility of reviews is based on a number of factors, including a user’s Friends, Colleagues, and Affiliate connections. Read on to learn how to ensure that a great and worthy review is visible to all users by “Featuring” it.

You will be able to see submitted reviews in the Reviews area of your Administration Page. Publisher users have the option to see all reviews (if they are set up with Review Admin privileges) or only those from people in their Edelweiss contact list.

Open your Administration Page by clicking on your profile icon (either your initials or your profile picture) and selecting Administration.

Below is the view of a publisher user with the Review Admin privilege:

The Review Time Period filter can be updated to show reviews posted up to 365 days ago, and you can also filter by Title or ISBN-13.

To export all reviews on the page you’re viewing (with any filters applied), select the Export to Excel option at the top of the page.

In the Titles section, click on the total review count or the title itself to open all reviews (within the specified time frame). You can also click on the Positive Review Count/thumbs-up icon, IndieNext count, or LibraryReads count to see only those reviews/submissions.

To export multiple reviews to Excel, feature/remove feature, or archive/unarchive, select multiple titles by using the checkboxes on the left.

When a review is Featured, it appears on the title listing in Edelweiss for all users to easily view:

If you’d like to read an entire review and/or edit it for brevity, click its View/Edit link. You can also message the reviewer directly by clicking the email icon immediately following their email address (displayed in the Reviewer column).

Tip: You can see if those who have downloaded a DRC have submitted a review by opening the Review Copies > Activity area on your Administration Page. Clicking on the “Review?” column header will re-order the list of titles displayed, showing those with reviews at the top. Click the heart icon to access a review.

Go back to the Digital Review Copy Administration training page.