Sales Reps – Personal Markup Visibility Options

You can view your Markup Notes in 2 different views, one designed to show you the whole note, and the other to show you a truncated version for those times when you want to scroll through a catalog a little more quickly.

It’s very much worth stressing here that these options are for your own view only and have absolutely no bearing on what your accounts will see. They’ll always see the full note.

You can find these options in Other Actions at the top of your catalog view:


Essentially, de-selecting the Markup Area selection will make the markup field disappear completely, for those times when you might want a cleaner view.

The Markup Notes selection will expand or contract your markup note area for quicker scrolling (a bunch of longer notes can make scrolling through a large number of titles take a bit longer than you might like).


The down arrow shown here will quickly expand this note, should you need it.

Conversely, selecting the Markup Notes option will expand all of your notes in the catalog. The up arrow indicated in the lower right here will truncate it, if you need:
