Booksellers – Using Refinements

In addition to using saved filters, you can also Refine Results. The options are on the left side of any page.

You can select a single refinement, say just a publisher or imprint, to quickly filter out everything else, or you can select multiple refinements at once… like HarperCollins and Fiction, for example, to see a more targeted set of titles in various catalogs, collections, review copies, and title searches. You’ll see options for Publisher/ImprintBISAC Subject, your stores’ POS Categories, or your store’s Tags.These “quick filters” can be very useful when you have a specific task in mind… “I wish to order Norton titles from this list for my upcoming display,” for example. Or, “I have a Simon & Schuster rep coming tomorrow and want to create a solid backlist order for them to tack on to my frontlist order. I need to see what I’m missing!”  Or, “How relevant are my YA titles? Have I missed anything new? Let’s see!”