Catalog Admin – Mass Uploading Title-Specific Images

Publishers with a Catalog Services subscription may bulk-upload jacket covers, interior illustrations/images, and contributor photos to their unique FTP folder on our server. Contact if you need access to this folder. Please also see our processing times for various files, feeds, and images here.

The following specs apply to all images being posted to Edelweiss:

  • Supported Formats: PNG, JPG, or GIF (static only, animated GIF files only allowed for Title Banner Insert uploads)
  • Size: The preferred size is 1000px width. This is the largest size we will display.
  • Resolution: The preferred resolution is 72 dpi. This is the highest definition we will display.

Jacket Covers

  • The sub-folder for all of your jacket cover images within your company’s main FTP folder is edelweiss/images/jacket_covers
  • Naming Convention:  Names must only contain the ISBN or ISBN-13 of the associated title.
    • Example:  9781234567890.jpg

When you are first getting started with your Edelweiss account, feel free to load a complete archive of your cover images. Let us know when the first batch has been uploaded by contacting After we process the initial batch, we’ll add your company to our regular processing schedule. We process jacket covers daily, at the top of every hour.

Interior and Author Images

If you have Interior Images you’d like to load, you can post them at the same FTP address, but in a different subfolder:

  • For Interiors:  FTP Sub-folder: /edelweiss/images/illustrations
  • For Author Images:  FTP Sub-folder: /edelweiss/images/author_images
  • Naming Convention: Names must contain the ISBN or ISBN-13 of the associated title, followed by a sequence number. The sequence number should be incremented when multiple images are sent for a title.
    • Example: 978012345678_1.jpg

    Contact the first time your company uploads a batch of interior or author images; we’ll set up your account so that all newly posted batches auto-process nightly. They should appear in Edelweiss by the next day.

Interior Images from a PDF Sample Spread

If you have a single PDF with sample illustrated pages that you’d like to appear as individual interior images/illustrations on a title listing, the posting process is much the same as that of the Interior Images section, but with a few critical differences in the naming conventions:

  • FTP Sub-folder: /edelweiss/images/illustrations
  • File Format:  PDF
  • Naming Convention:   [ISBN]_[Sequence]_p[ThumbnailPageNumber].pdf
    • Example:  9781584799207_1_p2.pdf
    • The Sequence is the order in which the thumbnails will be displayed if there is more than one PDF image for a title
    • The ThumbnailPageNumber notes the page within the PDF that should be used to generate the thumbnail.
    • As another example, if you posted a PDF containing 10 individual pages following the back/front covers, this naming convention would result in watermarked thumbnails for pages 2-11 of the pdf:  9781584799573_1_p2_p3_p4_p5_p6_p7_p8_p9_p10_p11.pdf

Please email the first time you upload any new type of image via FTP – jackets, interiors, or author images – to ensure that your account is configured to automatically process that specific image type!