Creating and Managing Circles

You can find the already-created Circles you’ve joined and are invited to join within your Community by clicking into the main Community Hub on the left-hand side of your screen:






To create a new Circle within a Community, click on the plus (+) icon in the upper-right of the Circles widget. Next, give your new Circle a name and a description that will tell other users what it’s all about. Is it a location-specific Circle for a multi-location store? A group for store/branch managers? Something else? Make it clear.

If you want anyone in the group to be able to create title lists, select “Anyone,” if you just want you as the creator to be able to create title lists select “Only Admins,” and if you do not want anyone to be able to create title lists select “None”. You can edit these settings in the future if you’d like.

Many Edelweiss users are part of a larger organization such as a bookstore, library, or publisher. By clicking on the toggle button, If one user from that organization joins your new Community, the other members are automatically added as well you will enable one user from an organization to join on behalf of the other users. If you are creating Circles within an internal Community (meaning all users will likely be part of the same store/library/publisher organization) it is recommended you keep this toggled off.

Once you’ve entered your information, click Submit:



Next, go back to your homepage and find your new Circle under the list of Communities you’ve joined. Click the pencil icon to edit. If this Circle is specific to certain genres or publisher imprints, click Edit in those sections to select the appropriate genres.

Only users who are already part of the larger Community that the Circle is part of can find and join the new Circle. If you’d like to limit access on who can join your Circle, click Add New in Availability/Access to add users. You can make the Circle only available to certain users, certain organizations, or even paste a list of email addresses.





Your Circle will function similarly to a regular Community group. You can view Buzz, New Review Copies, and Events, create collaborative title lists, and start conversations:

And when you Share your Reviews you can choose just to share them with the Circles you’re part of: