Sales Rep – Finding Your Contacts List

**Only users connected to publisher organizations have a Contacts page. Retail, library, and individual accounts will not have this option. If you need to share an order with your rep they will need to add you on their end first!

You can find your Contacts on the People page:

Scroll down the list to find specific contacts, or quickly search for a contact here:

Click on a contact to see their details, including any groups to which you’ve added them, a notice of any recently shared markups, etc.

Click Add New Contact at the top of the contact list to add someone new.

You can import a list of contacts by clicking on, you guessed it, Import Contacts. More information here.

Adding your accounts to your Contacts list is crucial in Edelweiss, as that’s your gateway to their orders. In fact, your accounts will not be able to share their orders with you until you add them to your contacts. Additionally, adding contacts gives you a simple and streamlined way to share markups and collections via Edelweiss.