New to Edelweiss? Welcome!

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Upload a picture. Share what you do and link other accounts. 

Your Homepage

Customize with widgets to create shortcuts and stay up-to-date.

Your Account

Connect with reps and friends. Manage store users.

2. Navigation


Finding titles in Edelweiss and using Saved Filters.

Title Data

Title metadata, views, emailing, and quick links. 


Finding catalogs, creating collections, and management.

3. Orders

Creating Orders

Using rep markups, finding the data you need, and making orders.

Sharing Orders

Sharing orders with reps or importing to your POS.

Managing Orders

Finding, exporting, merging, and archiving orders.

4. Other Features

Review Copies

Finding, requesting, downloading, and managing.

Event Grids

Finding, using, making a request, and submitting to publishers.


Joining, sharing, and managing. Also: ABA, IndieNext, and

Reviews & Buzz

Writing reviews, finding reviews, and using Buzz.


Using Shelves to organize your reading.

Tags & Notes

Taking advantage of tags, notes, and bookmarks.

Edelweiss Analytics_Color

Monitor sales trends, benchmark performance, and increase turns. Two tiers and scaled pricing make it affordable for any budget.

  • Compare genres and custom categories
  • Benchmark against other independent bookstores across the country
  • Identify overstocked and understocked areas, and then create action plans to align with customer demand
  • Stay on top of new and upcoming titles