As a sales rep, you have the option of offering suggested orders. When stores open your markup, they will see how many titles you think they ought to buy for that title at that location. You also have the option of actually creating an order for your account.
Suggested Orders
- In order to suggest a specific number of titles to purchase, you must be in a specific account.
- Click the triangle to go from Unspecified Account to an account of your choosing:
- From here, it is easy to simply type in the number of a given title you think the store or library should purchase:
- If the store has more than one location, you will see all of them and can suggest different amounts depending on how well you think the title will do in the different locations. Learn more about Suggested Orders here.
Processing Customers’ Orders
- Stores and libraries must share their orders with you when they are ready.
- Once they do, you can view their order! You will see the order in your Notifications homepage widget. You will also see it under Orders on your top horizontal menu.
- When the order comes in, you can click Export Preview to see the order, modify any information, download it, and process it on your end.
- After processing, always mark the order as Completed. This will make it easier for you to manage all of your account orders in the future!
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