Managing Your Email Notifications

Would you like to receive an email alert when you have new notifications in Edelweiss? You can subscribe to an email digest of your notifications on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis from 1) the Notifications drop-down or 2) the Notifications widget on your homepage. You can also change the frequency of your email notifications in the same way.

Note: These email digests will include notifications regarding shared orders, shared markups, community invitations, friend invitations, shared event grids, messages, and approved/declined review copy requests. They do not currently include friend activity, new reviews (publishers), review copy requests (publishers), or community reviews/nominations.

Notifications Dropdown:

Click on the notifications bell in the Edelweiss header:

Select how often you would like to receive email digests by modifying the “Emailed notifications” frequency:

You can also view all of your notifications here and toggle between “Unread” and “Read”:

Click into a notification by clicking the icon to the right.

Or manage your notifications from the Notification widget:

If you do not have the Notifications widget yet, add it by clicking Add Widget on your Edelweiss homepage and selecting Notifications:

Once added, you can manage your notifications from your homepage’s Notifications widget:

Click on a notification to open it. Click on the bell icon to schedule email notifications.

Additionally, if you no longer wish to receive emails with your friends‘ activity (reviews and shelves), click on your Profile image or initials and select Communication settings:

Select the box next to Unsubscribe from friend emails and save your settings:

See here for more information on managing your Edelweiss and Community Newsletter settings.

**Unsubscribing from Edelweiss and Community newsletters and friend activity emails does not delete your user account or stop you from receiving emails directly related to your activity within Edelweiss such as DRC requests, shared Markups or orders, or direct messages.