Collections are essentially custom, private catalogs. The rest of Edelweiss is very much based on either publisher-generated catalogs or filtered lists of titles. A Collection, though, is a “catalog” that you can create and share with your colleagues and customers, and that your accounts can also order from just like a publisher-created catalog. You can also create a collection of titles to print, email, or share with colleagues and customers.
Please note that Collections are not visible to all Edelweiss users. They’re only visible to the people with whom you share them. If you want a list of your titles that all users can see, you (or a catalog administrator at your company) will want to add a catalog.
Create a Collection by clicking Create Collection on your Catalogs page:
Or by clicking the Add to or remove from Collection icon on a title listing in a catalog or title list:
Using the second method, you can either add a title to an existing collection or create a new one. Creating a new Collection, you’ll see this screen, in which you can name your new collection and add a short description if you’d like.
Once added to a Collection, you can choose to edit that Collection. Note, you can add a cover image to your Collection if you want to dress it up a bit.
Either save this and close it if you plan on browsing around Edelweiss to add titles as you go, or click (Click number to manage) to add a bunch of ISBN’s to your sparkly new Collection. You’ll see a new window. Click Add Titles to be able to add titles by ISBN. The best part about this is that you can simply copy a column of ISBN’s from an Excel file and paste it right in.
Once you’ve added titles, you can very easily control their order by using the available tools.
You can add titles as you go, of course, by clicking that Add to Collection icon below a title, whether in a catalog or when viewing a title in one of your homepage widgets.
You’ll find your Collections just as you find other catalogs. Details here. You can email, share or print your Collection from the Other Actions menu found at the top of the title list view – just select the relevant titles using the checkmarks at the top right of each title listing, click into the Other Actions menu, and select Export/Output. You can also Select All titles there. More here.
For your customers and colleagues to have full access to your super-useful Collection, you’ll need to share it with them, just like when you share a markup. This makes the Collection visible in their account, rather than simply existing as a link somewhere in their email.
Find details about sharing your Collections here. The process is the same whether you’re sharing with an account or with a coworker/colleague.