Sales Reps – Copying Your Colleague’s Shared Markup Notes as Your Own

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Sales reps have the opportunity to copy markups from their own or a colleague’s prior work! There are several ways you can copy yours or a colleague’s notes, tags, comps, and priorities, depending on how you’d then like to share that Markup with your accounts.

To Copy Notes to a Markup within the Same Catalog/Collection:

If a colleague has shared one of their Markups with you, you can find their Markup in full from the Markups toolbar. To copy it to a new Markup that you can edit, click the up arrow arrow (▲) next to the markup name in the blue bar and select Add New. From there you can name your new Markup, and copy elements over from another Markup that was shared with you (or from one of your own Markups) by selecting it from the dropdown list. Mark off the elements you’d like to copy over and click Save!

You should then see the new Markup as an option from the toolbar, and when it’s selected, the copied notes will show as your own. (At this point, you can also delete the “Default” markup if it contains no notes and would reduce confusion by clicking the trashcan icon next to it.)

From there, continue building and editing your markup as you ordinarily would.

To Copy Notes to a New Collection:

You can also copy Markup elements from one catalog/collection, to a new collection if—for example—you’d like to create a specialized title list for a specific account, with additional titles, or a different name or formatting. To do this, go into the catalog/collection you’d like to copy and select Copy from below the catalog overview section. In the pop-up you can name your new collection and add an overview description (you can edit these later if you need). Choose the Markup you’d like to copy from, select the elements to include, and click Save:


You can then find your new collection on your Catalogs > My Collections page with the notes that now appear as yours. From there, continue building and editing your markup as you ordinarily would.

You can also, of course, copy markup notes to titles individually, or from other title formats. Or you can export a Markup as an Excel file to edit there and re-import as your own.