Watch and Learn: Create + Customize with Edelweiss Designer

In the demo below, Edelweiss Senior Client Success Manager Dan Fridd walks you through the endless possibilities available to publishers with Edelweiss Designer.

1. Getting Started

Edelweiss Designer allows publishers to seamlessly create sales materials using metadata pulled directly from the site. Get started by exploring the Designer home page and setting up users on your account!

About Designer

Understand the different uses of Edelweiss Designer.

Your Homepage

Navigate the Designer homepage and find the tools you need.

Your Account

Manage Designer access for other members of your organization.

2. Designing Templates

One of the initial and most important steps to using Designer is creating the templates that you’ll use for your documents. A template serves as the preset format your selected titles will be run through when you create a document.

Title Templates

Create title templates to determine the main design of a document.

Header & Footer Templates

Develop header/footer templates for a professional look.

Filler Templates

Use filler templates for catalog covers, transition pages, and more.

Index & Table of Contents Templates

Build an auto-populating index/table of contents page for your document.

Common Templates

Take advantage of preloaded (and editable!) templates in your account.

Related Titles Templates

Include a title’s related products with text and optional jacket covers.

3. Styling Templates

Once you get the hang of building templates in Designer, you can drill further down into the details of the style and appearance of your design/content blocks and template elements.

Padding & Margins

Control the spacing among your template elements.

Line Height

Control the spacing within your template elements.

Saved Snippets

Save design blocks from a template for later use.

Adding Callouts

Incorporate call-out text and images to make titles pop.

Additional Styling Tips

More styling tips and advice.

4. Building Documents

Once you've settled on a template (or templates!), you are ready to create a document. A document on Designer is created from a catalog or collection of titles run through a selected template.

Creating a Document

Create a document from within Designer or while browsing catalogs.

Customizing Content

Further customize the content of your document's pages.

Exporting Documents

Explore options for exporting your document once finished.

Adding Filler, Index, and TOC Pages

Add additional pages to customize your document.

Setting Right/Left Pages

Set up left & right pages to make print-ready documents.

Removing Titles from Documents

Adjust the titles included in your document.

Utilizing the Sidebar View

Disconnect and rearrange the pages of a document.

5. Customizing Data

While Designer uses the title metadata you are already sending to Edelweiss, you can set up custom elements to upload information that isn't already available by default in Designer.

Custom Data Elements

Configure custom elements to add additional information to your Designer documents.

We are making continual improvements to Edelweiss Designer based on user feedback. Stay on top of new releases via our Edelweiss Designer Release Notes here!